377869 37: Portrait of 37th United States President Richard M. Nixon. (1913-1994) (Courtesy of the National Archives/Newsmakers)
377869 37: Portrait of 37th United States President Richard M. Nixon. (1913-1994) (Courtesy of the National Archives/Newsmakers)
Hulton Archive National Archives
UNITED STATES: Unlocated picture of the then US Senator Richard Nixon (1913-1994) (C), Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) (R) speaking at the back of a car in 1952. Other person on picture is unidentified. Eisenhower supreme commander for the Allied cross-channel invasion in 1944 became president in 1952 with Nixon as vice-president. Nixon was very much involved in the anti-Communist witchhunt instigated by John Parnell Thomas and Senator Joseph McCarthy. (Photo credit should read AFP/AFP via Getty Images)
1953: Richard Nixon with his wife Thelma (Pat) Ryan and his two daughters Julie and Tricia during his first year as vice president. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Hulton Archive Fox Photos
380450 08: President Richard Nixon shakes hands with Elvis Presley December 21, 1970 at the White House. (Photo by National Archive/Newsmakers)
Hulton Archive National Archives
UNITED STATES - NOVEMBER 28: Richard Nixon In United States On November 28, 1978 - Richard Nixon, on the second string. (Photo by Serge DE SAZO/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)
Gamma-Rapho Serge DE SAZO