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(Original Caption) 7/26/1965-Chicago, IL: Thousands of civil rights marchers led by Dr. Martin Luther King walk toward Chicago's city hall in protest of defacto school segregation and other racial issues. March started at Buckingham Fountain on the lake front and was delayed more than an hour because Dr. King was ill.

(Original Caption) 7/26/1965-Chicago, IL: Thousands of civil rights marchers led by Dr. Martin Luther King walk toward Chicago's city hall in protest of defacto school segregation and other racial issues. March started at Buckingham Fountain on the lake front and was delayed more than an hour because Dr. King was ill.

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Marchers holding signs gather at school athletic field in Tallahassee, Florida before a Civil Rights march.

Marchers holding signs gather at school athletic field in Tallahassee, Florida before a Civil Rights march.

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A young african american woman marches in a civil rights rally in Washington DC, August 28, 1963. (Photo by National Archive/Newsmakers)

A young african american woman marches in a civil rights rally in Washington DC, August 28, 1963. (Photo by National Archive/Newsmakers)