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(Original Caption) 1/27/53-Detroit, Michigan: Sneezing spreads influenza. Sneeze caught by highspeed stroboscopic unit at 1/10,000th of a second.

(Original Caption) 1/27/53-Detroit, Michigan: Sneezing spreads influenza. Sneeze caught by highspeed stroboscopic unit at 1/10,000th of a second.

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(Original Caption) If you had any reason to be chewing a mouthful of bran, and if someone were to slap you on the back while you were doing it, you'd expect something like this to happen. But this man wasn't chewing bran. He was merely sneezing and was caught in the act by Professor Marshall W. Jennison, who recorded the sneeze as the cloud of minute droplets which quickly evaporate leaving thousands of germ-laden particles floating in the air, mayhap to spread any respiratory disease the man might have. Professor Jennison, who is in the Department of Biology and Public Health at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is studying the significance of droplets in relation to the spread of respiratory diseases.

(Original Caption) If you had any reason to be chewing a mouthful of bran, and if someone were to slap you on the back while you were doing it, you'd expect something like this to happen. But this man wasn't chewing bran. He was merely sneezing and was caught in the act by Professor Marshall W. Jennison, who recorded the sneeze as the cloud of minute droplets which quickly evaporate leaving thousands of germ-laden particles floating in the air, mayhap to spread any respiratory disease the man might have. Professor Jennison, who is in the Department of Biology and Public Health at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is studying the significance of droplets in relation to the spread of respiratory diseases.