Original and reproduction of feathery golf balls, original c1830-c1840. Made by William Gourlay, c1830-c1840. (Photo by Sarah Fabian-Baddiel/Heritage Images/Getty Images)
Original and reproduction of feathery golf balls, original c1830-c1840. Made by William Gourlay, c1830-c1840. (Photo by Sarah Fabian-Baddiel/Heritage Images/Getty Images)
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Gutta percha and rubber-core balls, c1920. The Spalding 50 in the original box is rubber-core. (Photo by Sarah Fabian-Baddiel/Heritage Images/Getty Images)
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Eureka golf ball box, made by the Gutta Percha Co, London, c1898. (Photo by Sarah Fabian-Baddiel/Heritage Images/Getty Images)
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Selection of golf balls, late 19th- early 20th century. Top row: Paragon 27 1/2; Eureka 27 1/2; Silvertowns; row 2: White Colonel; the Aero; Chemical Bob; row 3: Spalding Midget; Spalding Dimple; unknown mesh ball; bottom row: Spalding 50; Aristocrat; Eagle Reach. (Photo by Sarah Fabian-Baddiel/Heritage Images/Getty Images)
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