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A Turkish Shiite man touches a portrait of Prophet Mohammed's grandson Imam Hussein on the holy day of Ashura, which remembers the slaying of the Prophet Mohammed's grandson in southern Iraq in the seventh century, in Istanbul,Turkey, on December 26, 2009. During the Shiite Muslim holy month of Muharram, large processions are formed and the devotees parade the streets holding banners and carrying models of the mausoleum of Hazrat Imam Hussain and his people, who fell at Karbala. Some Shias show their sorrow by inflicting wounds on their own bodies with sharp metal tied to chains with which they flay themselves, in order to depict the suffering of the martyrs. AFP PHOTO / MUSTAFA OZER (Photo credit should read MUSTAFA OZER/AFP/Getty Images)

A Turkish Shiite man touches a portrait of Prophet Mohammed's grandson Imam Hussein on the holy day of Ashura, which remembers the slaying of the Prophet Mohammed's grandson in southern Iraq in the seventh century, in Istanbul,Turkey, on December 26, 2009. During the Shiite Muslim holy month of Muharram, large processions are formed and the devotees parade the streets holding banners and carrying models of the mausoleum of Hazrat Imam Hussain and his people, who fell at Karbala. Some Shias show their sorrow by inflicting wounds on their own bodies with sharp metal tied to chains with which they flay themselves, in order to depict the suffering of the martyrs.  AFP PHOTO / MUSTAFA OZER (Photo credit should read MUSTAFA OZER/AFP/Getty Images)