NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 09:  Protesters pray in front of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), office at the U.S. Federal building during a Solidarity Rally Against Deportation on March 9, 2017 in New York City. Demonstrators accompanied prominent immigrant activist Ravi Ragbir when he went in for his annual check-in with ICE, facing possible deportation. The green card holder from Trinidad and 26-year resident of the United States is the director of the New Sanctuary Coalition, a network of interfaith congregations and activists trying to protect immigrant families from detention and deportation. He is married to an American and has an American daughter, but he was convicted in 2001 for wire fraud, making his green card subject to annual review. At his check-in, ICE told him to report back to them a month later.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)