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NEW YORK, NY - DECEMBER 12: The General Assembly paid a tribute to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his “never-tiring service to humanity” over the past decade, while also swearing in his successor António Guterres, who will assume his duties on 1 January 2017. “Over the last ten years, Secretary-General Ban has led the United Nations with unwavering principles for the good, with dedicated professionalism, and with never-tiring service to humanity,” said General Assembly President Peter Thomson, following the adoption of a resolution by which the 193-member body acknowledged Mr. Ban’s exceptional contribution to the work of the UN, and noteworthy achievements. (Photo by Giles Clarke/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - DECEMBER 12: The General Assembly paid a tribute to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his “never-tiring service to humanity” over the past decade, while also swearing in his successor António Guterres, who will assume his duties on 1 January 2017.

“Over the last ten years, Secretary-General Ban has led the United Nations with unwavering principles for the good, with dedicated professionalism, and with never-tiring service to humanity,” said General Assembly President Peter Thomson, following the adoption of a resolution by which the 193-member body acknowledged Mr. Ban’s exceptional contribution to the work of the UN, and noteworthy achievements. (Photo by Giles Clarke/Getty Images)