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A student also known 'Santri' study Kitab Kuning in Islamic Boading School Syfi'i Akrom , Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia, on June 13, 2016. Kitab Kuning is the old book of Islamic made by Syekh Nawawi Al Bantani on the 16th century. This book contains religious instruction of Islamic taught in boarding school start from the fiqh, aqidah, morality, sufism, grammar arabic, the hadith, interpretation, ulumul qur'aan, until the social science and community. Kitab Kuning this interpreted with Arabic Language Java. At the time of Ramadan, students in islamic boarding school reproduce learn the Kitab Kuning as of finsih for 30 days.(Photo by Pradita Utana/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

A student also known 'Santri' study Kitab Kuning in Islamic Boading School Syfi'i Akrom , Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia, on June 13, 2016. Kitab Kuning is the old book of Islamic made by Syekh Nawawi Al Bantani on the 16th century. This book contains religious instruction of Islamic taught in boarding school start from the fiqh, aqidah, morality, sufism, grammar arabic, the hadith, interpretation, ulumul qur'aan, until the social science and community. Kitab Kuning this interpreted with Arabic Language Java. At the time of Ramadan, students in islamic boarding school reproduce learn the Kitab Kuning as of finsih for 30 days.(Photo by Pradita Utana/NurPhoto via Getty Images)