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Judge Sandra Day O'Connor meeting the Senate Leadership at Capitol Hill, 14th July 1981. She has been chosen by President Ronald Reagan to be the first woman to hold office in the US Supreme Court. The group are, left to right, Senator Dennis DeConcini, Attorney General William Smith-French, Judge Sandra Day O'Connor, Senate Minority Leader Robert C. Byrd, Majority Leader Senator Howard Baker and Senator Joseph R. Biden. (Photo by Gene Forte/Consolidated News Pictures/Getty Images)

Judge Sandra Day O'Connor meeting the Senate Leadership at Capitol Hill, 14th July 1981. She has been chosen by President Ronald Reagan to be the first woman to hold office in the US Supreme Court. The group are, left to right, Senator Dennis DeConcini, Attorney General William Smith-French, Judge Sandra Day O'Connor, Senate Minority Leader Robert C. Byrd, Majority Leader Senator Howard Baker and Senator Joseph R. Biden. (Photo by Gene Forte/Consolidated News Pictures/Getty Images)