VALLEGRANDE, BOLIVIA:  The body of Ernesto "Che" Guevara (1928 - 1967), the Argentine-born hero of Latin American revolutionaries is on public display in the makeshift morgue 10 October 1967 in Vallegrande. Guevara was captured by Bolivian forces and CIA agents 08 October and shot dead the next day. "Che" Guevara, the 39-year-old firebrand, was formerly the confident of Cuban leader Fidel Castro. In 1965 he left Cuba to establish guerrilla groups in Latin America.# Le corps d'Ernesto "Che" Guevara, est exposT a la presse internationale par des militaires boliviens le 10 octobre 1967 a Vallegrande.  Le "Che", d'origine argentine, aprFs avoir pris part a la RTvolution cubaine et lancT a partir de 1965 des foyers insurrectionnels en AmTrique Latine, a TtT pourchassT par l'armTe bolivienne a l'aide des agents de la CIA. CapturT le 08 octobre, il fut exTcutT le lendemain et enterrT dans le secret. (FILM) AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read AFP/AFP via Getty Images)