(Original Caption) From the World of Beauty. New York: Eleven of the foreign finalists in the Miss Universe contest are shown as they posed with two U.S. contestants on the roof of the Savoy Plaza Hotel today. From left are: Miss England, Margaret Rose, 19, of London; Miss France, Claudie Petit, 18, Paris; Miss Sweden, Hillevi Rombin, 21, Upsala; Miss New Jersey, Beverly Rogers, of Maywood; Miss New York, Miss Patricia Ann O'Kane, Valley Stream; Miss Finland, Sirkku Talja, 18, Helsinki; Miss Norway, Solveig Borstad, 23, Oslo; Miss Ceylon, Maureen Neliya Hingert, 18; Miss Israel, Ilana Carmel, 19; Miss Lebanon, Hanya Beydoun, 19; Miss Germany, Margit Nunke, Koln; Miss Belgium, Nicole Demeyer, Brussels; and Miss Greece, Sonia Zoioglou, Athens.