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Abd al-Qadir, Algerian Sufi and political and military leader, 1875. Regarded by Algerians as their national hero, Abd al-Qadir led the resistance to the French invasion of the country in the mid 19th century. A photograph from Album de Photographies, Dans L'Intimite de Personnages Illustres, 1850-1950, Editions MD, 22 Rue de L'Arcade, Paris 8, 1850-1950. (Photo by The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images)

Abd al-Qadir, Algerian Sufi and political and military leader, 1875. Regarded by Algerians as their national hero, Abd al-Qadir led the resistance to the French invasion of the country in the mid 19th century. A photograph from Album de Photographies, Dans L'Intimite de Personnages Illustres, 1850-1950, Editions MD, 22 Rue de L'Arcade, Paris 8, 1850-1950. (Photo by The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images)