Tunisian police officers stand guard as Egyptians rest on August 4, 2014 after crossing Ras Jedir' border, in Tunisia, to flee from clashes in Lybia. Up to 10,000 Egyptians fleeing the fighting in Libya are still stranded at the border with Tunisia, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri said on August 4 on a visit to Tunis. Since mid-July, Libya has seen deadly clashes between rival militias in Tripoli and the eastern city of Benghazi. Tripoli airport has been closed since gunmen, mostly Islamists, attacked it on July 13 in a bid to wrest control from the Zintan brigade of former rebels who have held it since the 2011 revolt.  AFP PHOTO / F NASRI        (Photo credit should read F NASRI/AFP/Getty Images)