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2nd December 1955: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien ( 1892 - 1973) the South African-born philologist and author of 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord Of The Rings'. Original Publication: Picture Post - 8464 - Professor J R R Tolkien - unpub. Original Publication: People Disc - HM0232 (Photo by Haywood Magee/Getty Images)

2nd December 1955: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien ( 1892 - 1973) the South African-born philologist and author of 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord Of The Rings'.  Original Publication: Picture Post - 8464 - Professor J R R Tolkien - unpub.  Original Publication: People Disc - HM0232   (Photo by Haywood Magee/Getty Images)