Pre-match formalities prior to the International between England and Italy at Highbury Stadium in London, 14th November 1934. In this photograph the England captain Eddie Hapgood is introducing his Arsenal team-mate George Male to Prince Arthur of Connaught and the Italian Ambassador Signor Grandi. This was Italy’s first match since they had won the 1934 World Cup Final that summer. Because of England’s withdrawal from FIFA in 1928, the national team had not taken part in the finals held in Italy. The English press billed the game as the “real” World Cup Final. The match set a record, in that it was the first time when seven players from the same club, Arsenal, started for England.  Both teams were presented to Prince Arthur of Connaught. The match was violent from the start: the Italian centre-half Luis Monti broke his foot after a challenge from Drake and had to withdraw after only two minutes.  With no substitutes allowed, the Italians had to play the rest of the game with ten men. Enraged by Monti’s treatment, the visitors repeatedly retaliated against their English opponents: Eddie Hapgood had his nose broken ( and had to be withdrawn for 15 minutes) while Bowden damaged his ankle, Drake was punched and Brook had his arm fractured. This match is often refered to as 'The Battle of Highbury'. England won the match 3-2. (Photo by Popperfoto via Getty Images/Getty Images)