TOULOUSE, FRANCE -9 JANUARY:Production of insects is seen at Micronutris company, the leader in Europe in the human diet based on insects on January 9, 2017.The term entomophagy made its debut in the Petit Robert and the United Nation Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2013 and launched a campaign to encourage breeding and consumption of scale insects.Already consumed by more than 2 billion people worldwide. Cédric Auriol wants to expand the company's range of consumer products which currently manufactures chocolate based powder crickets or flavored whole insects. It is expected to launch an energy bar from fruit and insects.By 2050, the world population could reach 9 billion and therefore the demand for meat requirements could double. In order to face demand, eating insects, or what is called "entomophagy" could be one of the solutions.(Photo by Patrick Aventurier/Getty Images)