World War Two veterans, British former army captain Harold Atcherley (L), 96, and Japanese former army engineer Mikio Kinoshita (R), 94, talk during a reception in their honour in central London on June 22, 2015. While held as a prisoner of war by the Imperial Japanese Army in 1943, Atcherley was forced to work on the infamous Burma-Thailand "death railway", a Japanese wartime project that cost the lives of an estimated 120,000 people. Kinoshita served as a Japanese army engineer, working on the same railway line. 70 years after the end of World War II and the war with Japan and following a documentary on survivors of the war that featured the two veterans, Atcherley and Kinoshita have been brought together for the first time for a meeting of reconciliation and friendship.  AFP PHOTO / LEON NEAL        (Photo credit should read LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images)