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A film crew from the NFB record a traditional 'coumbite,' where a collective of laborers gather to perform a 'chore'--here, digging contour ditches and leveling a new road--to the beat and rhythms of musicians playing bamboo fifes and percussion on improvised instruments, Haiti, November 1956. Photo taken during the National Film Board of Canada's production of 'Haiti,' a film principally concerned with Haiti's economic and social developments and its practical ties with Canada but which also shows some of the culture and folklore forming such an integral part of Haitian life. (Photo by Joseph Champagne/NFB/Getty Images)

A film crew from the NFB record a traditional 'coumbite,' where a collective of laborers gather to perform a 'chore'--here, digging contour ditches and leveling a new road--to the beat and rhythms of musicians playing bamboo fifes and percussion on improvised instruments, Haiti, November 1956. Photo taken during the National Film Board of Canada's production of 'Haiti,' a film principally concerned with Haiti's economic and social developments and its practical ties with Canada but which also shows some of the culture and folklore forming such an integral part of Haitian life. (Photo by Joseph Champagne/NFB/Getty Images)