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Movie poster for the film 'Thunderball' directed by Terence Young, based on the adventures of secret agent 007 written by Ian Lancaster Fleming (May 28, 1908 - August 12, 1964). With Luciana Paluzzi, Sean Connery, Adolfo Celi, Claudine Auger, Rik Van Nutter. Four-color printing, United Artists, United States, Beverly Hills 1966. (Photo by Fototeca Gilardi/Getty Images)

Movie poster for the film 'Thunderball' directed by Terence Young, based on the adventures of secret agent 007 written by Ian Lancaster Fleming (May 28, 1908 - August 12, 1964). With Luciana Paluzzi, Sean Connery, Adolfo Celi, Claudine Auger, Rik Van Nutter. Four-color printing, United Artists, United States, Beverly Hills 1966. (Photo by Fototeca Gilardi/Getty Images)